
Israel 2015

The Teacher’s Way:
Education As a Spiritual Path

Lehrer sein als spiritueller Weg

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Webseite The Teachers Path

Retreat for Teachers and Educators in Zman Midbar (Desert) and Ma´Agan Michael (Kibbuz on the sea), Israel
5 – 12 April, 2015

a time for shared exploration of life and education

A one-week self-led retreat for educators engaged in spiritual growth and development, to explore together the heart and soul of life and education. An opportunity for teachers and educators, in the academy and in schools, in formal and informal education, from all over the world, to share our spiritual-educational journey, learn from each other, forge bonds and support each other’s growth and development.

Questions to guide us:

  • What is the heart and essence of life and of education?
  • How did we and how do we grow and mature mentally and spiritually?
  • How do insight, depth, sensitivity and wisdom come into our lives? How can we support them in others’ lives?
  • What happens in transformative interactions between people? Between teacher and student(s)?
  • How does my own growth and maturation influence my work as a teacher?

The Association for Contemplative Mind in Higher EducationContemplative Pedagogy NetworkEducationSpirit MovementMind and Life InstituteGarrison Institute, other organizations and movements and countless individuals from around the globe have been engaging with these questions for years. We can learn so much from each other’s experience, and venture together to yet-unknown territories.

It will be a time for consciously and attentively engaging with ourselves and others, aided by periods of practice and interaction in various formats. Most of the work will be done in circles, in which we will explore issues related to our inner development and to our responsibility for our pupils, colleagues and the culture in the educational field.


Zman Midbar Retreat Center

The place is Zman Midbar, in the desert near the town of Arad, not far from the Dead Sea. The place itself invites to deep meditation and attention — and it serves super-delicious meals. We will be there for the first 4 days and than go to Ma´Agan Michael, where a gout of Israelian people is doing the same. The last three days we will have an intercultural exchange about the topic in this lovely place in the house of Sofi, a friend of Amir


Ma´Agan Michael

Accommodation options are a big Bedouine tent in Zman Midbar or in a apartment for 6 persons, in Sofi´s Hause simple accommodation options or in the village near by.

Early arrival: For those who arrive earlier (on the 2nd of April) we can celebrate Passover (Pessach), make an excursion to the Dead Sea (Qumran or Masada) and visit Jerusalem, guided by my friend Amir

Registration via Silke at education@innerscience.info


Zman Midbar Retreat Center

The cost of the seminar, including accommodation, 3 daily meals, tea and coffee: € 600, just to cover the expenses.

For earlier arrival: price depends on the number of people to share the costs of excursion, probably around €300.

Flights individual. You don’t need a visa.

Shalom, Silke und Amir

It’s our joy and pleasure to prepare the space and time for this retreat together. If you want to know more about us, click below.

silkeSilke Weiß
Amir Freimann




Registered participants:
Prof. Ofra Mayseless
Amy Edelstein

The Teacher’s Way
by Amir Freimann

The teacher knows that the most significant factor in fulfilling her or his role – to support their pupils’ growth and development – is who they are as a human being. Unlike almost any other profession, in education it is the teacher’s humanity that determines her or his ability to “do their job”. The teacher knows, therefore, that he or she needs to examine their own human-ness – their character, personality, morality, spirit and soul – and strive to improve it, not only for themselves but also for those who depend on their support and guidance.

In the teacher’s role, the “internal” spiritual dimension meets and blends with the “external” dimension, in which he or she effects their pupils and thus society and culture as a whole. Education is, therefore, a spiritual path in which the connection between “internal spiritual work” and “cultural activism” is clear and present. Which is why I’m there.

Liebe Interessierte an der sinnhaften Entwicklung von Bildung,

mit einem Freund in Israel ist die Idee zu „The Teachers Path“ entstanden.
Ein erstes Treffen wird in Israel stattfinden, im ersten Teil in einem Seminarplatz in der Wüste,
wo wir 5 Tage zu dem Thema Lehrer sein als spiritueller Weg zusammen sein werden. Fragen, Begegnungen, Meditation, Verbindung … eine Zeit gemeinsam zu forschen an den Fragen die unser Herz und unseren Geist bewegen und in der Stille neue Antworten zu finden.
vom 5.-9.4. sind wir dort. (siehe pdf)
Zur gleichen Zeit trifft sich eine Gruppe von Israelis in einem Kibbuz am Meer, Nähe Haifa, in Ma´Agan Michael.
Wir kommen dann für die letzten drei Tage dort zusammen, um uns auszutauschen und uns über die kulturellen Grenzen hinweg dem Thema anzunähern, was es für die eigene sinnhafte Entwicklung bedeutet Lehrer und Begleiter von Menschen zu sein.
Wir haben genau dieses Datum gewählt, da in diesem Jahr das israelische Pessach und das Osterfest zusammen fallen, so dass sowohl hier als auch dort Ferien sind, eine Voraussetzung, dass Menschen im Bildungsbereich freie Zeit haben.
Mit Menschen, die früher anreisen möchten, können wir gemeinsam Pessach feiern und das Land bereisen, ab dem 2.4.2015. Mein Kollege Amir wird dazu unser „Reiseführer“ sein. Dieses Programm entsteht ganz individuell mit denen, die dabei sein werden.
Wir sind keine professionellen Reiseveranstalter :-), nur Menschen mit Herzblut und einer Idee. Es wird trotzdem alles da sein, ich organisiere schon lange Bildungsevents und -reisen, auch schon nach Israel, mit dem Charakter einer Reise unter Freunden, es gibt keine Verträge und Rücktrittsklauseln.
Ich würde mich freuen, wenn dieses Retreat zustande kommt, Amir und mir liegt das Thema sehr am Herzen.
Die Kosten von 600 € sind weitgehend Selbstkostenpreise, es ist Hochsaison und die schönste Reisezeit für Israel.


2 thoughts on “Israel 2015

  1. shalom, I discovered your offer only too late, so that I could not come with you the this special retreat. Please, keep me in touch when other of these retreats are planned.

    • Dear Bernhard, we are planning to do another one on easter time 2016, are you interested? Send me your email and i keep you in touch

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